purposeful learning


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What is purpose?

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Purposeful Learning is Saint Michael’s intentional approach to education.

It is an overarching program that helps you discover your passions, develop your skills, and find meaning and connection in and out of the classroom. Success Advisors will help you explore and answer the big questions, like: What is important to me? What do I value and what brings me joy? What am I good at? You will learn how having a clarity of purpose in life is fundamental to being equipped to do well and driven to do good.

How will you find it?


Purposeful Education

Learn where your intellectual passions and practical interests meet. Connect theory and action through deep study. Gain perspective and context, while applying your knowledge along your chosen path.
Through the lens of the liberal arts, you’ll engage in coursework, class discussions, and academic experiences that point you toward purpose. In the fall of your first year, you’ll take a 1-credit class that jump-starts your purpose-driven journey with resources and strategies for engagement and success. In the spring of that year, you'll earn an additional credit exploring the many opportunities for social impact and leadership development available to you. You will also be encouraged to pursue credentials and certificates, attend guest lectures, and participate in fun and meaningful co-curricular activities.


Purposeful Impact

Create real social change within your community. Belong and be useful. Live out the ideals of service and social justice. Discover and understand how you can benefit others.
Here, you’ll engage and connect to the St. Mike’s community and beyond. You can serve others through MOVE (Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts), or respond to societal challenges through the Center for Global Engagement or the Center for the Environment, or advocacy, or even serve the surrounding community through our renowned Fire and Rescue squad. Find where you want to make an impact.


Purposeful Outcomes

Realize your goals, and see the path to your success. Develop resilience and persistence. Achieve life-long well-being with the help of a trio of advisors.
You’ll be supported by a team of academic, career, and success advisors on your path to Purpose. They’ll serve as your guides, helping you reflect on your interests, strengths, and identify opportunities for growth. Together with other mentors, you will network with employers and chart a path to promising career opportunities or graduate schools.

Where will purpose lead you?

The answer is personal and important. At St. Mike’s, your future won’t be a happy accident. As a first step, our Purposeful Learning Team will connect with you to make sure you get what you want and need as you begin your college experience and prepare for your future.

"I think that a lot of people do not have the chance and opportunity to find their purpose for a really long time, but St. Mike’s creates time for students to explore their interests and passions in a way that makes it easy to find what those purposes are."

Sarah Rodgers ‘19

"... I always feel confident that I have both the skill and resources to "figure stuff out" and the sense of a broader responsibility to community and service to help guide decisions and next steps."

Sue Bette '01

"St. Mike’s always challenged me to be honest especially when it was most difficult to be."

Sean Morrissey ‘16

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